Jahr 12 nach Null stolpert seinem Ende entgegen und würde man zu denen gehören, die Resümees unter Jahre ziehen, könnte man sagen, dass es ein ziemlich angenehmes war. Als es geboren ward, bebte die Welt auf der anderen Seite und wir befanden uns ebenfalls in einem Prozess des Gebärens und die Frucht dessen, was "Denying..." ward, war schon ein großer Moment.
(Dass wir in Echozone eine sehr adäquate und angenehme Hebamme an der Seite hatten soll als nicht zu verschweigender Glücksfall ausdrücklich erwähnt werden!)
Es tat gut all die wohlwollenden Worte bezüglich zu hören, all die akustische Wertschätzung eines Winters hinter verschlossenen Türen.
(Und danke M.M. für die letztendlich doch passierte und nie wirklich in Frage gestellte Widmung von Sprache!)
Und beim DSF im SO36 das erste Mal die neuen Stücke in neuer Besetzung zu spielen, war (frei von Pathos und Klischee) etwas, das sich auf Stolz und Richtigsein reimte. Eine neue Chrysalis und das Hoffen auf ein beständiges Imago...
Und vergessen ist auch Petrus´ gewöhnungsbedürftige Form von Anerkennung beim WGT, als er seinen Beifall in Form tausender Tropfen auf Regenschirme herniedergehen ließ, uns aber so die Erkenntnis vermachte, dass es Menschen gibt, die trotz des Himmels Unbill geduldig und gewollt der Musik zu lauschen Opfer darzubieten bereit sind.
Und so wie der Regen kam auch jener Tag im August, überraschend und gewaltig, der das Kommende nicht verursachte, aber seine Form prägte und prägen wird...Schnittstelle und mentaler Pol...magnetisch und unausweichlich...and I feel the riot...
Und die Flüsse stiegen und rauschten durch ihre Betten wie durch Adern und es klopft und pocht und ich bange um das danach...
Und auch die Konzerte mit Zeraphine waren unglaublich angenehm und bereichernd, weil a.) der Umstand schon geographisch längst überfällig war und es b.) Vorstellungen gibt, die bestärkt oder entkräftet werden wollen und in diesem Fall passierte beides auf angenehm sympathische Weise.
Und Mandelbrot starb und Ika ging...
Dass sich der Menschen Karussell schneller drehte als angenommen, war sicher überraschend und kurzweilig unangenehm, aber zum einen lehrte uns dies wozu Schultern noch gebraucht werden können und zum anderen bescherte uns dies eine behaglich melancholische, interne Re-Union (und ich muss gestehen, dass das Konzert im One Way an menschlicher Eintracht fast schon konkurrenzlos haften blieb!)
Was bleibt und was wird kommen?
Und wieder füllen Töne den Raum und der Weg, den sie aufzeigen verursacht Gänsehaut. Draussen fällt kristalliner Himmel und seit August ist alles anders...Riot und der Beginn eines neuen Kapitels...
Ich bin nervös und gespannt...
The twelfth year after zero is tumbling towards it´s final and if I would be one of those, who draws any conclusions of this, I would say it was a very convenient one.
At the time it was born the earth was quaking on the other side and we were also involved in a process of bearing, whose fruit, named “Denying the Towers our Words are falling from...” became a great moment for us. (That we have found in Echozone a very adequate and lovely accoucheuse, that stood by our side, I proudly don´t want to conceal here!)
It was balm for the soul to hear all the praising words, all the acoustic reward for a winter behind closed doors. (And many thanks Mr. M.M. for your charming lines, whose existence I never really called into question!)
And playing the new songs for the first time at the Dark Spring Festival was (free from pathos and chliché) like something, thats rhyming with pride and rightness. A new chrysalis and the hope for a lasting imago...
And almost forgotten is Petrus´ „different“ kind of recognition at the WGT, when he let his applause fell down on several umbrellas, for giving us that present of insight, that there are people, who are willing to make sacrifices just for listenting to the music.
And the same way as the rain that day in august came, surprisingly and towering, that did´nt caused the forthcoming, but shaped and will shape it´s form...a point of intersection and a mental pole...magnetical and inevitable...and I feel the riot...
And the rivers raised and rushed through their beds like through veins and it knocks and pounds and I fear for the afterwards...
And also the shows with Zeraphine were so comfortable and rewarding, because a.) the fact was long overdue in it´s geographical aspect and there are b.) beliefs, which want to become reinforced or invaldated and in that case both happened in a very enjoyable and likeable way.
And Mandelbrot died and Ika left…
Of course we were surprised, that the human carousel went quicker around that imagined and it hurted for a moment, but on the one hand we learned what shoulders can be used for too and on the other it provided us a very cosily melancholic re-union (and I have to confess, that the show at the One Way remained unrivalled regarded to it´s interhuman concord!)
What remained and what will follow?
Tunes are filling the rooms again and the way they shed light on causes crawlies. Outside some crystal sky is falling down and August has changed all...Riot and the beginning of a new chapter. I´m nervous and excited....
At the time it was born the earth was quaking on the other side and we were also involved in a process of bearing, whose fruit, named “Denying the Towers our Words are falling from...” became a great moment for us. (That we have found in Echozone a very adequate and lovely accoucheuse, that stood by our side, I proudly don´t want to conceal here!)
It was balm for the soul to hear all the praising words, all the acoustic reward for a winter behind closed doors. (And many thanks Mr. M.M. for your charming lines, whose existence I never really called into question!)
And playing the new songs for the first time at the Dark Spring Festival was (free from pathos and chliché) like something, thats rhyming with pride and rightness. A new chrysalis and the hope for a lasting imago...
And almost forgotten is Petrus´ „different“ kind of recognition at the WGT, when he let his applause fell down on several umbrellas, for giving us that present of insight, that there are people, who are willing to make sacrifices just for listenting to the music.
And the same way as the rain that day in august came, surprisingly and towering, that did´nt caused the forthcoming, but shaped and will shape it´s form...a point of intersection and a mental pole...magnetical and inevitable...and I feel the riot...
And the rivers raised and rushed through their beds like through veins and it knocks and pounds and I fear for the afterwards...
And also the shows with Zeraphine were so comfortable and rewarding, because a.) the fact was long overdue in it´s geographical aspect and there are b.) beliefs, which want to become reinforced or invaldated and in that case both happened in a very enjoyable and likeable way.
And Mandelbrot died and Ika left…
Of course we were surprised, that the human carousel went quicker around that imagined and it hurted for a moment, but on the one hand we learned what shoulders can be used for too and on the other it provided us a very cosily melancholic re-union (and I have to confess, that the show at the One Way remained unrivalled regarded to it´s interhuman concord!)
What remained and what will follow?
Tunes are filling the rooms again and the way they shed light on causes crawlies. Outside some crystal sky is falling down and August has changed all...Riot and the beginning of a new chapter. I´m nervous and excited....