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Leipzig, WGT 2010 |
Und wir fallen durch die Massen.saugen uns hinab auf den Grund und harren dort dem Ende aller Regen.laut- und wortlos.leise und mit so viel Erinnerungen."
Wo war ich?
Irgendwann...Ich erlaube mir das Erwähnen von Farben einzusparen.und überlasse dies den anderen. So gesehen hat sich in den letzten fünf Jahren nicht wirklich viel verändert. Was im Kopf bleibt ist die Relativität von Schönheit und die Horizonte, die sich daraus ergeben. Prinzessinnen und Prinzen, Lindwürmer und neonfarbene Warnschilder. Geschlechtliche Nebelfelder und venerische Kriegsschauplätze. Doch lächeln wir ob manchmaliger Verwirrung und erfreuen uns am Drang des Gesehen-werden-wollens, süß umworben von der Frage: Warum?
Und überall starrende Ungläubige und Geruch von Schwefel in den Straßen.Blitzlichter auf sekundären Geschlechtsmerkmalen und die trotzige Verneinung von tertiären. Schön sich treiben zu lassen. Now I´m out of balance.I jut fall through marching days...
später...Ist es möglich, dass auch Götter altern? Banales und Besonderes, Zeit-verzögerungen und die Erinnerung als Projektionsfläche für die Standortorientierung des eigenen Ichs.
Was haben wir geliebt.was haben wir gelitten und gelacht.
Schön ein paar bekannte Gesichter im Maelstrom der Masken zu erahnen (liebe Grüße an Thomas , Ian und Agent Green .)
Heimweh und das Gefühl Zeit zu inhalieren. Lungenschmerzen und Escape with Romeo .Klaustrophobie und ChameleonsVox . Who wants to go to Heaven? ...Heut nicht mehr...die Körper sind zerstoßen am Rande jegwelcher Nächte. Moral in Mörsern.
später...Und endlich An- und Zusammenkunft. Fast hätte man den Grund für all dies vergessen. Ungewohnte Entspanntheit und die Sonne scheint.
Noch circa 4 Stunden bis zum vom Egoismus zerfressenden Vorhang und zwischen Warten und Erwartung manifestiert sich eine Ahnung, dass alles irgendwie richtig läuft.sich gut anfühlt. Hierarchisch klar definierte Engel und die Sonne scheint.
Wunden werden reanimiert und Gäste verdienen sich der Zahl und ich fühle mich ertappt ob der Ironie der ersten Zeile von " Liberation ". Doch keine Zeit für lyrische Plazebos, es gibt fünf Jahre aufzuholen.und die Sonne scheint...
Später...Wann sonst? Wann sonst als bei " The Sea Inside "? Wann sonst hätte der Himmel sein schwärzestes Kleid überziehen sollen, um mit fast schon religiöser Dunkelheit dem horizontlosen Meer seinen Respekt zu zollen? Wann sonst hätte Noah mit dem Bau seiner Arche beginnen müssen? Zufall oder Bestimmung? Keine Ahnung, auf jeden Fall gewollt. Und ich bin dankbar ob der Gesichter unter Schirmen, dankbar ob der Melangé aus Make-Up und Wasser, dankbar ob des Danks jener, die keine Leitern brauchen, um Mauern zu überwinden. Und nach sechs Songs bin ich mir vieler Dinge sicher, aber eines ganz genau: Es gab nie einen besseren Moment, um in dieser Band zu sein als das Jetzt!
Der letzte Ton von " Snow ", der Nachhall des Applauses.geläuterte Vorhänge fallen metaphorisch und.die Sonne scheint.
Postsciptum : Was war das für ein Geräusch? Hm, mir ist wohl etwas fahler Journalismus in mein Frühstüch gefallen...
Setlist : Liberation / Digging Towers / And thus He spoke / Ferryman / The Sea Inside / Remedy / Snow...
Setlist : Liberation / Digging Towers / And thus He spoke / Ferryman / The Sea Inside / Remedy / Snow...
…And we´re falling through the crowd...sucking us down to the ground for awaiting the end of all rains...noise- and wordlessly...quietly and with so many memories...
Where have I been?
I venture to save the mention of colours...and leave that to the other. Viewed in this light nothing has changed in the last five years. Things, that remain in the head is the relativity of beauty and the horizons caused by that. Princesses and princes, wyverns and candy-coloured warning labels. Sexual fields of mist and venereal seats of war. But we smile about the erratic confusion and delight in the urge of being watched, sweetly courted by the question: Why?
Starring unbelievers all around and the scent of sulphur in the streets...flashlights on secondary sexual characteristics and the defiant denying of the tertiary ones. Great to flow by itself…now I´m out of balance…I jut fall through marching days…
Is it possible that even gods grew older? Banalities and specialities, delays of time and the memory becomes a projection surface for the siting of the me, myself and I. Oh, how we´ve been in love...how suffered and laughed...
Nice to guess a few familiar faces withing the maelstrom of the masks...(Greetings to Thomas, Ian and the green agent...)
Homesickness and I seem to inhale time. Chest disease and Escape with Romeo… Claustrophobia and ChameleonsVox…Who wants to go to Heaven?...Not today...the bodies are pounded on the edge of any nights...morals in mortars...
And finally arrival and gathering. I almost forgot the reason for all this...unusual relaxation and the sun is shining.
About four hours til the curtain, corroded by vanity, is rising and between waiting and expecting it feels as if all goes the right way...it feels good. Angels, hierarchical clearly defined and the sun is shining.
Wounds become reanimated and the crowd is dancing with it´s number and I feel caught in the act of thinking about the irony of the first line of “Liberation”. But no time for lyrical placebos, there are five years to catch up...and the sun is shining...
When, if not then? When, if not during „The Sea Inside“? When, if not during “The Sea Inside”the sky had to put on it´darkest dress to pay tribute to the shoreless ocean with an almost religious darkness? When, if not then Noah had to start carpentering arks? Accident or destiny? No idea, but planned in every case.
And I am thankful for the faces under umbrellas, thankful for the melange of make-up and water, thankful for the thanks of those, who needs no ladders for breaking down walls. And after six songs I´m sure about a lot, but about one thing especially: There have been never a better point of time for being in that band than the now! The last tune of “Snow”, the echo of the applause...refined curtains are falling in a metaphorical way and...the sun is shining...
Setlist : Liberation / Digging Towers / And thus He spoke / Ferryman / The Sea Inside / Remedy / Snow...
Where have I been?
I venture to save the mention of colours...and leave that to the other. Viewed in this light nothing has changed in the last five years. Things, that remain in the head is the relativity of beauty and the horizons caused by that. Princesses and princes, wyverns and candy-coloured warning labels. Sexual fields of mist and venereal seats of war. But we smile about the erratic confusion and delight in the urge of being watched, sweetly courted by the question: Why?
Starring unbelievers all around and the scent of sulphur in the streets...flashlights on secondary sexual characteristics and the defiant denying of the tertiary ones. Great to flow by itself…now I´m out of balance…I jut fall through marching days…
Is it possible that even gods grew older? Banalities and specialities, delays of time and the memory becomes a projection surface for the siting of the me, myself and I. Oh, how we´ve been in love...how suffered and laughed...
Nice to guess a few familiar faces withing the maelstrom of the masks...(Greetings to Thomas, Ian and the green agent...)
Homesickness and I seem to inhale time. Chest disease and Escape with Romeo… Claustrophobia and ChameleonsVox…Who wants to go to Heaven?...Not today...the bodies are pounded on the edge of any nights...morals in mortars...
And finally arrival and gathering. I almost forgot the reason for all this...unusual relaxation and the sun is shining.
About four hours til the curtain, corroded by vanity, is rising and between waiting and expecting it feels as if all goes the right way...it feels good. Angels, hierarchical clearly defined and the sun is shining.
Wounds become reanimated and the crowd is dancing with it´s number and I feel caught in the act of thinking about the irony of the first line of “Liberation”. But no time for lyrical placebos, there are five years to catch up...and the sun is shining...
When, if not then? When, if not during „The Sea Inside“? When, if not during “The Sea Inside”the sky had to put on it´darkest dress to pay tribute to the shoreless ocean with an almost religious darkness? When, if not then Noah had to start carpentering arks? Accident or destiny? No idea, but planned in every case.
And I am thankful for the faces under umbrellas, thankful for the melange of make-up and water, thankful for the thanks of those, who needs no ladders for breaking down walls. And after six songs I´m sure about a lot, but about one thing especially: There have been never a better point of time for being in that band than the now! The last tune of “Snow”, the echo of the applause...refined curtains are falling in a metaphorical way and...the sun is shining...
Setlist : Liberation / Digging Towers / And thus He spoke / Ferryman / The Sea Inside / Remedy / Snow...